Database Rate Limiting Policy (Free Plans)

As this is free hosting, there are going to be limits. However, what is available on the 000webhost free hosting platform is often abused by spammers. Because of this, we have implemented a new policy that limits the number of concurrent MySQL connections. These new limits are as listed below. Be sure to check the overall limits of a website as well.

  1. 30 concurrent connections (per database)
  2. max_queries_per_hour = 15000 (DB read)
  3. max_updates_per_hour = 5000 (DB write)
  4. Database size can be 1GB at most
  5. Database can hold 100 tables at most

These limitations are already at a premium level and are subject to change at any time. For most users, this should not be a problem. Most free users have either a pre-made script that does not require many connections, or custom scripts that only require one or two connections.

However, we have discovered that there is sometimes a problem with Wordpress, which is one of the most common scripts on free websites. Most Wordpress users should not have any problems with their site, however those with a lot of plugins may have the following issues.

  1. Pages take upwards of ten seconds to load.
  2. Pages refuse to load.
  3. Pages throw a 502 Bad Gateway error after refusing to load.

In the case that your site is affected by rate limiting, there are two options.

  1. Remove some plugins or find a way to decrease the current number of connections.
  2. Upgrade to premium hosting where rate limiting is not limited as much.

In the event that your website or account is suspended for abusing this policy, you should post on this forum and we will suggest an upgrade. There will be no other way for your data to be recovered.

Plugins Which May Cause Issues

  1. W3 Total Cache - causes Error 500. The fix is to go to /public_html/wp-config.php and remove the line: define("WP_CACHE", true);
    Also, go to /public_html/.htaccess and remove everything between #BEGIN W3TC Browser Cache and #END W3TC Browser Cache
  2. WP Speed of Light - causes Error 500. The fix is to manually delete the plug-in from /public_html/wp-content/plugins and replace the .htaccess (before backing it up) with a default one.
  3. WP Fastest Cache - causes Error 500. The fix is to manually delete the plug-in from /public_html/wp-content/plugins and replace the .htaccess (before backing it up) with a default one.
  4. WP Performance Score Booster - causes Error 500. The fix is to manually delete the plug-in from /public_html/wp-content/plugins
    Also, go to /public_html/.htaccess and remove everything between #BEGIN WP Performance Score Booster Settings and # END WP Performance Score Booster Settings

I have installed a theme/plugin and now I see a blank page!

First, make sure the plugin is not listed in “Plugins Which May Cause Issues” section. If not, lower your PHP version and try loading your website again: 000webhost cPanel > Settings > General > Change PHP version > 5.6.

If you want premium-grade hosting with no limits, upgrade to Hostinger today! There you can create unlimited MySQL databases!

Website won't open
Why is my website not loading for the 3rd day in a row
My website is not loading :/
Database connect hangs
Installed a plug-in and my site went down, and unable to access the Dashboard
Can't go onto phpMyAdmin
Can't access wordpress? Is wordpress down at the moment?
504 Gateway Time-out on wordpress
I am unable to access to wp-admin page of my site
Error 500 : Apllication error after installed W3 TOTAL CACHE
Problem of installation
Website no longer loading
Pagina se cae a cada rato
PhpMyAdmin Error when accessed from "Manage databases" dashboard
User has exceeded max_Queries per hour
Website is not up for long time :
"Error establishing a database connection" comes after 5PM MYT daily. Site stops loading. DB connection gets lost
User 'id6009248_okok' has exceeded the 'max_updates_per_hour' resource (current value: 5000)
All of my web pages not loading
HELP! My Wordpress Website dissapeared
My website is running slow and no access to wp-admin
MySQL error with php
Has exceeded the 'max_queries_per_hour' resource (current value: 15000)
HTTP ERROR 500 after maintenance work
Website Down Error 404
Database gone after inserting large files
Problema con sitio wordpress y base de datos
Can’t access my site in webhost
WordPress Installation - Alternative Page
Why when I work on my site do I end up with the install wordpress page?
Glafarge db issue
Mi pagina me pide instalar wordpress de nuevo
WordPress after a while installed back to the installation
Wordpress site suddenly not working
Error accessing config table
Sutty1 wordpress rate limiting
Error to my database
WordPress issue of redirection
Website is not loading and showing site cant be reach
Whoops, looks like something went wrong. What seems the cause of error?
Prompting to install Wordpress, But I have already Installed
Que les pasa a los de 000WebHost?
WordPress redirects to install page
Wordpress problem aries twenty minutes later
When I exceed the rate limit, the Wordpress install screen comes up
Cant enter my website
Wordpress website issue
Error to access website builder
Database crash and down
Changed Theme and Wordpress Uninstalled
Cant select database error
Database connection error seems like entire site is gone
MySQL server has gone away on wordpress
Shaky connection to database
Website disappear
New Online Store Wordpress Website Set-up with Woocommerce Glitching!
Mysql server hasgone away error
Unable to website or wp_admin
Wordpress Database aerator
Database connection is lost
Erro base de datos
My FTP and My File Manager Doesn't Work
Joaovictor1 question
Tengo un problema con el servidor de mi base de datos
Can’t select database how can i solve
Please help wordpress give me no database
Error no Banco de Dados
Erro de conexão com banco de dados
Database connection error, then later again
Soucis de Base de Données
Cant select database
My site doesn't appear
Phpmyadmin server error
Error connecting to database MySQL
Database connection error database gone away
Error establishing a database connection. Help
WORDPRESS ERROR database, my entire website is down!
Error con la Database
Website suddently offline, and so does the file manager
WordPress Database error: can't connect
Error 404 for almost all my pages
Error establishing a database connections
Rate limited wp
Database Error Can't open the website
Database connections and querry limitations
Erro ao conectar com banco de dados
Database Troubleshooting Guide
Can't Reach Upload Files & Manage Database
Website is archived
Mesho db limited
Installing moyasis wordpress theme
Wordpress database error
Sql server issues?
Me ajudem estou com um problema terrivel
Multiple issues. NO ACCESS
Error establishing a database connection on wordpress
[ASK]Why my website can't run in 000webhost
Wordpress - Error establishing a database connection
Cannot log in to PHPMyAdmin and to my website
My website not working on 000webhost
My website is still off
Can't access to my website :(
Website is not responding, the error is server stopped responding
Erro 200 no banco de dados
Frequently get 524 error
Showing Database Error
Problemas al acceder a mysql
Delete database data or file?
Msql problem in my website plz check
Doent open my site
Msql problem in my website plz check
My website says "error establishing database, or rather goes offline every minute
Marcusus support
Ltkiet10tn2 questions
My wordpress site isnt loading
My site has gone to sleep
My 000webhost very slowly
My wordpress site isnt loading
My website site not opning
Unable to make changes
Good day i would like to get a help please
Wtbarron wp site
Access to date base don't respond
cPanel Update / Control Panel Fresh Look
9001 mysql error
Error al establecer una conexión con la base de dato
Unable to login into the account
My site doesn´t work! I don´t install any cache plugins
Помогите решить проблему, пожалуйста
Error error establishing a database connection
Site showing Error establing a database connection
Know about error
Database unreachable after system update
Change domain name (free website version)
Error while connecting to the database
#2006 - MySQL server has gone away
My Site won't open?
Error establishing a database connection. Please help
Ayuda, phpmyadmin no carga
Joomla shows "error" on front and backend
Bored from Error establishing a database connection
Website error: Application error
Interrupted access to website for 12 hours
How to solve 500 internal server error
Database Disappeared
Database Disappeared
Sql random database error
Sql random database error
Website showing 524 error
WP site works in preview only
El editor de wordpress se quedan cargando
Problema para editar y subir archivos
What's the port for the database?
Everything OK? CloudFlare timeout on site
Webseite lädt nicht mehr ! Von heute auf morgen?
MYSQL error with xenforo
Error in my database
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand
My web site and my admin are not available
Website sleeping time
My site issue master1
This page isn't working error 500
NoxDesigns query
My website is not working!
Error con Mysql
Website Cache Issue
Do not enter website
#9001 - Max connect timeout reached
Waiting for a response....that never comes problem
Website sleeping new here
My website doesn't load
Website Isnt Loading :
My webpage is currently incredibly slow
Issue with W3Total Cache plugin
Slow/Inaccessible Site
Sitio web se encuentra pausado
My website is sleeping?(violation terms of service?)
Forum database error
Sleeping Time Issue
Problema para migrar de hostinger a esta plataforma de host
ISP blocking 000webhost
Site loading intermittently
Database error Expression manquante. (near "ON" at position 25)
Where can I see my current query count?
My site keeps saying that it timed out
My site wont load, it took long time
Hi I need help for my website. This will be presented tomorrow to my school
Database connection unresponsive
My website shuts down for 30 minutes every hour
Random Downtime and Slow Loading
My site crashes after some time
My website is not loading anymore
My website isn't opening
Website not opening
Has exceeded the 'max_queries_per_hour'
Wordpress no carga
Website not working, why?
Account temporarily on hold
my web loads without end
Site suddenly stopped working
Unfortunately my website is not loading propely again
Website is not loading or is it sleeping?
Whats the max mysql queries per hour per plan in 000webhost
"xxxxx_ has exceeded the ‘max_questions’ resource (current value: 150000) "
#9001 - Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 1042 after 10107ms
Website getting down a lot
Not able to access my site
MY website has gone/ drooped
Site down almost every hour error 502
My site is down since hours :-(
My website shuts down for 30 minutes every hour
Website always crashing ClouldFlare?
Blanke Seite bei PHP
Torentmaster1 questions
Continuous connection timeout to MySQL database
Unable to access site or admin page
504 gateway timeout help please
Drupal 8 Installation problem
Website Disappeared
My web app return response is currently unable to handle this request
Tamara321 - Rate limiting
Random Downtime and Slow Loading
Constant 502 Bad Gateway error
Website is unusably slow
Problem with website loading
Wordpress problem on site
My website dosnt load! continuos charging
Site is down AGAIN!
Site is down for an unknown reason
Site is down AGAIN!
Site down... confirms
Wordpress site not loading
My website is everyday down in evening please help me
Infinite loading
Disk full - FTP and File Manager error
The connection to the server has been lost during the work of WordPress
My students' sites are painfully slow
My website is being down
504 Gateway TimeOut
Website is loading
'exceed query limit', now site's not loading at all?
Your Website Is Sleeping Reason
Problem accessing my site
To many data base connection
Need solution for not loading website
My Website does not Open
How to increase the max. upload size
My site is constantly going down
My website loads too slowly
Wordpress Site Down
I am getting error while accessing my website
Ошибка 'max_queries_per_hour'
Why am I breaching Requests Per Minute?
Help here for new comer,
Wordpress site goes offline suddenly
Wordpress database attempts to reinstall itself
Wordpress really slow?
Regular unreachable status of my website
Website is not loading after a while of use
Site slow loading time
Error after publishing/editing a post
Website is falling down
Website wont always load
Question about PHP
Mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/9001): Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 1101 after 10003ms
Error #9001 when i try to connect to phpmyadmin
Site only loading
Lancement impossible de mon site
Can't connect to phpMyAdmin because of timeout AND website won't load also
Upload 4Mb database
Error 504 Gateway Time-out nginx installing drupal 8.4
Keep getting Connection Timed Out error
WebSite almost always down!
Site not responding
Error 500 - my website dosen't work
Site stopped loading
Has exceeded the 'max_queries_per_hour' resource (current value: 15000)
Website in Sleeper Mode for no reason
My Website Is Disappears After Few Minutes
Alguien que me aclare max_queries_per_hour
ISSUE that is making me mad. Please help
Search function on wordpress site is not working
SQL query: Edit Edit SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; MySQL said: Documentation #1226 - User 'id3098252_admin' has exceeded the 'max_queries_per_hour' resource (current value: 15000)
SQL ERROR : Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 1009 after 10000ms [9001]
SQL ERROR : Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 1009 after 10000ms [9001]
Rate Limit with Premium
Application Error, help!
Suddenly Gone off!
Xenforo no acces to server
Issues with 000webhost
My website keep going down “502 Error Bad Gateway”
My website keep going down "502 Error Bad Gateway"
Kickstart restore
Constant MySQL timeouts
Erreur lors de la connexion à la base
Websites getting down 3-4 times a day!
I can't access to my website anymore
An error occurred in the website and your page could not be displayed. If you are the website owner, check your logs for details
Website'sleeping' after domain forward from and adding their nameservers to the nameservers from
Wordpress stuck - not loading
My website is downnn?!
Baza Mysql error
Website and administration start to hung after running Sucuri plugin
Application error 500 | 000webhost
Problem Cloudflare and 000Webhost connection
Page isn't loading - wordpress
My can't access
Error every 10 min my site stop about 30 min is not working
Site cazut, din cauza host-ului
How to restore access?
My website down! Error 505
My site isnt loading
Can't load my page
Website crashing every 15 minutes
My web don't load
My site is not working fine
Cloudflare problem?
Server Down or not responding
Page mensage, application error
Blank Page When Opening My Site
Información de infraestructura para phpMyAdmin
Get max_updates_per_hour error when importing Drupal site
Cual es el numero minimo de visitas en 000webhsot para que no te borren la cuenta
Whenever I post or update something on my site, I usually have to face dome downtime
Can't access my database
Downtime On My Website
My website cannot be reached
My website cannot be reached
Can’t reatch my website without https Getting Started
Site stopped working?
When I try to aces website it tries to Install wordpress while already installed
Mi web se cae de pronto por 15 o 20 minutos varias veces al día
Error SQL MySQL said: Documentation #1226 - User '......' has exceeded the 'max_queries_per_hour' resource (current value: 15000)
Php mail() can't recieve the mail, but was out the quote of mailsending
Hosting has not been working for 3 days
Website is sleeping
Why from tiem to time my website is deactivated
Server has gone away
I have hit rate limiting on my website
Mysql maximum number of connexions
Wordpress installation problem (new user)
Database limitation
MY default linked site is not opening
Asking for Wordpress Installation again
Getting 502 Bad Gateway error
Error: There is no such website This domain is ready to be registered
Wordpress database error loop when logging-in
Website limit error
Size of mysql database?
WP installation
How to make WordPress more stable
Db connection lost
Max Queries Exceeded Per Hour
Brand New Website says running but gives took too long to respond errors
Error show please help me
No hay conexion a las basde de datos PHPMyAdmin
Db rate limiting shaunak
Error 500 when accesing the site
How to fix a database like this?
Long loading time
Error 522 <small>Ray ID: 53c63f0548aeeddb
Excuse me but my webiste is not working again can u take e look
Site down not resolving
Nextcloud install in webhost
Guidelines for creating new topics
Database not receive data
Hsn8696 WordPress query
Rataxes question
WordPress >> Installation
WordPress install rate limiting
Exceeded the ‘max_queries_per_hour’ resource (current value: 15000)
Database connection error, but repairs not seem to work
Site WORDPRESS qui ne fonctionne plus
Error: "1406 - Data too long for column 'keywords' at row 1"
Artschool1 free plan limits exceeding on database
Problema con mi web (Me salta instalador Wordpress)
Website is no longer available Deleted by the authors
ES2B rate limiting
Website Limitations (Free Plans)

If users of WordPress are experiencing issues with their website described above (or any user that has a script that utilises database)

  1. Pages take upwards of ten seconds to load.
  2. Pages refuse to load at all.
  3. Pages throw a 502 Bad Gateway error after refusing to load.

Then it will be rate limiting causing the issue as your website will have exceeded the free platform limits.

There is only a few options in this case

  1. upgrade to the unlimited premium Hostinger which is nothing like 000webhost - it has no limits, tons more features and 100% dedicated staff behind it 24/7 managed servers to help you via live chat if you had any issues - it is a completely managed platform with industry tested hardware/software.

  2. Try installing once your website has come back up from being limited - and DISABLING heartbeat everywhere.

  3. Use alternative free hosting.

Hostinger is 100 times better than 000webhost in every way, it is a professional company with real live support agents paid to make their clients happy - you get live chat inside your Hostinger panel, you get hundreds of features all inside the panel ready to use - no limitations, you get a 30 day money back guarantee if you aren’t happy! If you’ve not tried Hostinger before you should at least try the 1 month plan and see the extensive list of features and usage options you actually get!
You won’t experience any issues like you would on 000webhost which is a relatively new platform in terms of the design and is in constant development due to the expanding amount of users we get daily, there are no limitations on Hostinger which 000webhost enforce here to allow an equal experience for all the shared users. On Hostinger you are allocated onto premium servers which are monitored all the time by the team at Hostinger to provide the best experience and performance for you and your visitors.

1 Like

It appears when WordPress is facing issues connecting to the database due to rate limiting it can vary between

  1. Showing the unable to connect to database using xyz @ xyz
  2. Showing the WordPress installer
  3. Showing a bad gateway error.

You just need to wait these issues out as your database is frozen

If you see WordPress installation showing up on an already working / installed WordPress site this just means you’ve hit the free hourly limits - just wait this out - do not reinstall.

If you see WordPress installation showing up on an already working / installed WordPress site this just means you’ve hit the free hourly limits - just wait this out - do not reinstall.


The same for this error - the likelyhood if you see this - it just means you’ve reached the free hourly limits and database has been frozen :slight_smile: Just wait it out!

[NEW] Bypass rate limiting

So if you see the topic above it details the limits and confines of the free plan.

It also offers the plugin of

If you install that (when you can)

Then DISABLE all the heartbeat functions (not the plugin itself)

You can also use

It will give you a rough idea of how many requests you are using in the backend just navigating around wp-admin and the front end too.

So if you use 50 requests loading a theme page in the backend, 5000/50 for example gives you a limit of 100 pages loadable in an hour in the backend before you hit rate limiting again (only an example)