Error 500 - my website dosen't work

Hi there!
After uploading files (phpbb3.2.1) by “total commander” to my server, my website stopped work. Durning the uploading, I clicked on “replace .htaccess”.
Any ideas?

btw. I’m sorry for my english, I have never been good at foreign languages.

So you have freshly uploaded and a 500 error has appeared?
Or you have uploaded, ran the installation then got the error?

So you have freshly uploaded and a 500 error has appeared?


Or you have uploaded, ran the installation then got the error?

No, I didin’t run the instalation

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Can you create a database via “Manage Database” for your forum?

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It started work right now! Thank you! You are my god! :smiley:

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No worries!

Happy site building!

Any more issues do get back in touch.

Here is a little boring information that MAY effect you, it also MAY NOT effect you at all - depends on the forum script, how much resources, how many visitors you get (or bots or web crawlers) which in turn yes unfortunately use your resources and could cause you issues - let’s hope you are fine though and no issues crop up.