Website Limitations (Free Plans)

A lot of users have been posting lately about limitations and suspensions - this is likely due to developers putting the limits into automation now. Over the last few years, we’ve been pretty lax about it and only really suspending the high hitting abusive users, However, now the automation means that any user who exceeds the free plan limits will automatically be suspended, as it affects other free users and we want a fair platform where users can learn within the limits.

Currently, the free plan limits are set at 10,000 or *20,000 requests per day and 100 daily unique hits/visits. Be sure to check the MySQL limits as well. If a user exceeds these limits, the system will suspend the site and send an email regarding this usage - if you are hitting 10,000 requests per day, then your site is likely unsuitable or has outgrown our free platform - the first option offered will be Hostinger.
You don’t obviously need to upgrade, on the first suspension we will remove it and allow you to backup and continue on the free plan - but if your website does hit the limits again during any time period then it’ll be suspended automatically but this time around you won’t be able to appeal, the only route will be moving to Hostinger Premium to continue, or obviously using your previous backup jumping ship onto alternative hosting.

We will work on introducing further information into the actual suspension emails regarding limits so users aren’t confused, but in the meantime, this post will hopefully be of some assistance to those who require it :slight_smile:

Monthly transfer: 3,000MB
Learner storage: 300MB
Inodes: 10,000
MySQL Tables: 100
MySQL Size: 1GB

Please take regular backups - ensure your website is optimized correctly and not hosting/running scripts/code that is wasting your free resources :smiley:

If you do get suspended, please take time to read the suspension email and then reply to the correct address for appealing a suspension which is:

This is a good step forward for the free service, putting limitations onto automation means abusive users will be more easily suspended - whereas before an abusive user might be able to wreak havoc and do their damage before a member of the team noticed - now hopefully they’ll be suspended as soon as they hit the limit and avoid affecting the free platform for true learners!

We want users to sign up to our free hosting, learn, code and explore but at the same time, we need limits in place to reduce abuse, make the platform stable and continue to keep it free for everyone.

Thank you for reading! We will be sure to update this post with further changes to this policy.