Name Cheap Reviews by Users

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J Jonathan Pais
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October 3, 2014 Namecheap = KING of FALSE ADVERTISEMENT, PRINCE of LAME COVERUPS, QUEEN B!, emphasis on the B!

I've only had to contact this company 1 time, and it was the worst time I ever had contacting a hosting company, and I have worked with many over the years!
c coletaylor
User friendly
May 13, 2014 They blocked me and suspended my account/s after a known criminal hacked into my accounts. They required I pay a fee of $200 for something I NEVER DID ... I will pay it, but I will NEVER RECOMMEND or USE NAMECHEAP again. EVER. TERRIBLE service. I can't even get them to talk to the police about the hack into my accounts.
T TiredofNC
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August 31, 2013 Namecheap? Never again! They promise an uptime of 99$, i've been more down as up and that only in 2 weeks time! They offer "unlimited" hosting which is not unlimited at all. I've hosted 7 basic wordpress sites and after 2 days of being a customer they wanted me to upgrade to a much more expensive package.
Namecheap lies, don't fall for their good stories. better pay a little more for a trustfull hosting.
s sad user
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September 25, 2012 name cheap is too hard to deal with. each time they contact me the price to renew my domains is different. they may have renewed two domains i wanted to lapse and did not renew two domains i wished to keep. slow, painful, frustrating and useless. i may never get my money back, i may never get the desired domains renewed. i just want to be free of namecheap.
T Tse
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December 4, 2011 Namecheap domains cause spam. They have gotten their claws into my email address and I am bombarded with spam everyday. I am trying to get the company to change its practices and am reporting them to the CA AJ.
G Gabriel
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September 14, 2011 The bad story for me started last month, on 4 august i succesfully transferred my domain (eg: from some registrar to (did this so i can manage the dns servers from there). I've also buyed hosting package from and for a time things went fine. Some weeks later i decided to upgrade my hosting account to a VPS and after i had several talks with support team i've made the order. Things didn't happened as we discussed and my site went down so i decided to move it to another hosting and since i wasn't able to use the VPS from at all, due to their technical problems, so i requested my money back.

From this point things started to be very ugly, short story is that i received my money back but banned my account and also removed the dns servers which i've set for and the very bad part simple changed the owner of my domain and is not me anymore is them. I never gave them the accept to do that, i never wanted this to happen.

I've already tried to talk with namecheap staff but they said i didn't respect their upgrade policy (things related to hosting package) and therefore they closed my account even if the part with domain is a separate thing for which i paid.

I have and i can provide any data is needed to prove that the domain is in fact my domain and abusively took it couple weeks ago.

I've made complains to and and they resolution is to to talk with namecheap to get my domain back. As it seems, in case namecheap don't have a special relation with them, any registrar can change the owner of a domain and unless you're ready to start a process via a court law, you're the "loser"


1. icann sucks
2. enom sucks
3. never move your domain to namecheap, they can get it from you and there is no straight way to get it back
D Discount laptop computers
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July 23, 2011 Indeed a very good read! Very informative post with pretty good insight on all aspects of the topic! Will keep visiting in future too!
M Michael C
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March 15, 2011 They are far from perfect but in my two years with them i have had no shonky billings and they answer questions quickly. A bit more downtime than i would like but that's the worst i can say about them.
M Mad-dy
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February 20, 2011 I was searching to change hosts for my website and after reading many glowing reviews that were either written by the two employees/owners they have or friends of theirs.I should have been alerted when a prompt came up directly after my purchase to transfer,stating that each request is reviewed by a live person-well the money is being held for you by my bank now,huh?!,That is an acceptance to do the transfer,I'm thinking-and it could take as long as 6 hours.Actually,I receive no notice and try 13hours. I try to log in and then my account that I so carefully researched and built was frozen,get this,by a "fraud" department! For what,I had no explanation.I get on their chat help and it was no help,I then receive an email where they demanded a clear photocopy of my driver's license and a scanned copy of my credit card,both sides in order to continue doing business with me(no mention of my funds)...I tell the truth.I was receiving these communications from a "Milla" and a "Nikita",I tell no lie..And "I" appear fraudulent.I tell them no way,refund me and take my business to Fatcow,however,my site is still in the grips of NAMECHEAP and they refuse to release unless I do as I'm told by them.Lol,I do not exaggerate.I told them that even Go Daddy doesn't sink to such levels of extortion.Let's see,they take my money,promise greener pastures,immediately freeze me out of my account,make ransom demands and hold my domain name hostage,telling me it's my fault that I refused to give them what they wanted.HELL YEAH I DID!This is internet extortion to the 10th degree if I ever heard of it!!!
No evidence of any refund,either....
s socius
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November 5, 2009 I do not recommed using namecheap.

1. They have questionable billing practices. They charged me twice for the same domain transfer. And when I asked for a refund, they asked for a fee.

2. Their technical support is pretty inadequate. On a DNS management query, they removed nameservers without notification causing significant decline to traffic. When asked to speak to website owner, they said he is travelling. I have not heard from namecheap apparently the owner is still travelling after two months. I notified BBB, they did not respond to them as well.

3. The cost is comparable to other service providers.

Bottomline, given their questionable billing practices, inadequate customer support, I think they are poor value for money.
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