FSK 16 Seite erlaubt?

Hallo in die Runde,

trotz allen Beiträgen hier finde ich keine konkrete Antwort ob FSK 16 Seiten bei 000webhost erlaubt sind (Dating und FSK 16 Livecams).

Würde mich über ein Ja oder Nein :slight_smile: riesig freuen.




In 000webhost’s terms of service we have

You will not use this Site or the Services in a manner (as determined by 000WEBHOST.COM in its sole and absolute discretion) that:
Is illegal, or promotes or encourages illegal activity;
Promotes, encourages or engages in child pornography or the exploitation of children;

So, children are NOT allowed to access your website, and you SHOULD set the category to adults, and add a please type your age box before users accessing your site.
If one of those is missing, your website will be suspended.
Have a nice day :slight_smile:

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