How to Import MySQL Database on 000webhost


Occasionally you might need to move your database to a new server or restore an existing database backup on the current one. There are only a few simple steps that you would need to do when importing database.

What you’ll need

Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following:

  • Access to your 000webhost members area.
  • SQL database file.

Step 1 — Enetring phpMyAdmin

Firstly access your 000webhost member’s area and go to Manage database section.

You will be forwarded to a databases management page. If you do not have a database yet then you can check the following tutorial on how to create it [here]({{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2016-11-07-how-to-create-new-database-in-000webhost %}). If you already have a database created then follow these steps:

  1. Click Manage.
  2. Select Manage DB.

You will see a new page where you can manage your database. Click on your database name to enter your database.

If your selected database is not empty then you will see all your database tables in this page.

IMPORTANT! - All the data that you currently see will be deleted and replaced with the data from your SQL file.

Step 2 — Importing database

Once you are in your database management click on Import in the top menu.

You can drag and drop your SQL file directly into the page or click on Choose File. If you clicked on Choose File then simply select your SQL file from your computer. When you have selected your file make sure SQL is selected in Format section.

Leave all the other options to their default values and click Go.

Upon successful database import, you will receive a confirmation message.

That’s it, your database has been successfully imported. If you have received any error messages it is possible that your SQL file is corrupted, if you have any other files of the same database try importing a different file.


After following this tutorial you have learned how to import your database with few simple steps.

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