Cloudflare domain help

I used the cloudflare and domain settings correctly. However, when accessing my website at it is actually redirected to

Is this correct, or is there some setting I need to change to make this correct?

You just need to edit your URL(s) via the database to reflect your new custom domain.

I made the changes and again the images were all broken… :confused:

Is there a way to fix it?

Sure I think you just need to tweak your CloudFlare settings :slight_smile:

Try these settings -

Thanks for trying to help me, These settings are already done.

I cleaned my wordpress cache, went to the element and updated the links through it and also had the css and image library recreated but even so, the error continues.


This is the third time this has happened, the problem seems to be my elementor.

You might need to edit your settings further in WordPress or reinstall possibly under the custom domain :frowning:

I reinstalled WordPress and the first thing I did was activate SSL and the custom domain but I notice that Elementor is stuck even after installing it after switching to SSL