Set-up CLoudflare and still no SSL

Try visiting your site then press CTRL F5

On my computer it still says not sucure for whatever reason

DNS isn’t instant, sometimes can take hours, sometimes minutes.

Try holding CTRL on your site then hitting F5 a bunch of times, failing that - clear your browser history, data and DNS cache.

I’ll check tomorrow cause I’m an Aussie

Can you screenshot your CF DNS page & Crypto page?

This happens because of DNS cache in your browser (can be computer DNS cache or cache of the resolver of your ISP too)

Try closing the browser and open again and try.
Hit CTRL + f5
Flush DNS

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Yes here is my crypto page for my domain,

Weird still looks to be towards your end of things.

Mash CTRL and F5 on your site.

Try a different browser, or use Incognito on the browser or flush DNS.

cmd.exe > ipconfig /flushdns

Or simply wait 48 hours for your slow ISP DNS to update I guess it could be?

Don’t worry it’s fixed but my WP Back-end won’t load

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What is the SSL set on CloudFlare? Still Flexible?

Try Full now please


Ok my mistake thanks for showing me

Seriously I got “Not sucure” again on my end

You SSL works fine here. Try clearing browser cache.

Oh at the time you posted that I was switching to AwardSpace but I switched back today and now there’s no SSL

If you change your CloudFlare login details to something temporary and message them to me or another staff member we can take a look.

Hello guys, I was wondering if you could help me. I did the tutorial that @sulliops posted in this forum but I’m having a problem. When I visit my website it says my site is not secure, and the whole protocol is in red. I tried with Chrome, Edge and IE , and it’s all the same (I also cleaned all the caches). But… when I visit my site’s webhostapp it loads perfectly and it says my site is secure in green. Maybe I did something wrong? I’m attaching a screenshot here so you can see the data at Cloudflare. Btw, Cloudflare added some DNS records by its own and when I tried to add the CNAMEs (@ and www) as the tutorial suggested, I couldn’t because in both cases it said:

An A, AAAA or CNAME record already exists with that host. (Code: 81053)

I would be very grateful if someone could tell me how to solve this problem. Thank you very much in advance!

Remove any records and add only the two required

Thanks for the feedback, @Infinity! I did as you said and I’m getting different results: sometimes, it says “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS”. Other times, there’s a white page, it’s all empty. And I just tried again in Chrome (I also tried with IE and Edge) and it showed me this error:

Error 524 A timeout occurred
Browser Working
Cloudflare Working
Host Error

Cloudflare says it’s already active, and I just checked on Whois and it seems to be pointed well. I also checked on and it says “301 moved permanently”, no idea what it means. This is the link to my site. Thanks again!

I fixed it! I just disabled the ssl option in configuration.php (I changed it from 2 to 0) and the sef option too (changed it from 1 to 0). Now my site loads perfectly fine and it shows https:// in green :slight_smile: And that’s it! Thanks for all the support.