Are you planning to make a blog but you don’t know what to blog about? In this article, we’ll help you find the answer. Plus, you’ll get a guide on how to start a blog for free!

Why Start A Blog?

There are many advantages to starting your own blog. These are some of the best reasons:

1. A Great Way to Express Yourself

With your own blog, you can share a personal view about anything with many people. Whether it’s about politics, health, or even pets, creating content can help channel your creativity.

2. Practice Your Writing

Blogging is a great way to practice your writing. If you want to sharpen your writing skills, you can regularly post content. You’ll be able to get feedback from your readers and polish your style.

3. Make Money

If you have an audience and consistent traffic to your blog, it is easy for you to make money from it. There are many ways to do that, including ads, affiliates, and selling your products.

4. Build Your Brand Awareness

Blogging is a great way to promote your brand. It will let you easily add regular posts to update information about your services, products, or your portfolio.

5. Meet Like-minded People

Sharing your interests on the internet will help you connect with a wide audience. Regardless of what you’ll post about, you’ll surely meet interesting people!

What to Blog About?

You can plan your content by doing these simple steps:

1. Pick a Niche

A niche is something that a certain group of people is interested in. Readers are likely to visit your blog if it contains what they like or want to know about.

Picking a niche focuses your content so it will be consistent throughout your blog. The good news is, there are countless subjects that you can choose that has its own audience.

However, we suggest that you focus on the topic you also care about, not just because it’s unique or popular. That way, you’ll enjoy writing!

A good way is to take advantage of your hobbies. Even if your hobby is sleeping, you can create a blog and share tips for a good night’s sleep or write mattress reviews by giving your personal opinion about the mattress that you’re currently sleeping on.

The traffic will go up if people find your blog unique and feel that your intention is clear.

2. Research Possible Topics

After you find your niche, look deeper to find a specific topic that you can cover.

Let’s say you have an interest in mobile technology. You should search for what kind of information you can dig on this issue. For example, smartphone’s OS or mobile gaming.

Next, you have to research on it. There might be features and flaws that you don’t know yet.  You’ll also need to verify previous knowledge that you have.

The thing is, don’t just take the information from one source, but look at various places. Grab what’s useful and put it in your content.

3. Research Keywords

In SEO, one of the important elements is keywords. People use them to search for particular information.

However, a different keyword means different potential visitors.  Therefore, you should research to find which keyword can bring the most traffic. For instance, issues that are trending will likely attract many readers.

To find such popular topics, you can use tools like Google Trends and Ahrefs. These platforms will give you valuable insights, such as the number of searches for a particular keyword.

4. Get Inspired by Other Blogs

There are probably many blogs on the internet that have the same niche as your own. Check out the competition, to gain inspiration. When they’re great, feel free to get inspiration from those sites.

By reading your competitors, you’ll get a clearer understanding, on what your audience wants. What is more, you’ll see what the market lacks and can make posts accordingly.

However, you should never really imitate them, let alone copy their posts. You need to find your unique perspective and create posts that reflects it.

5. Get Ideas From Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms can give you ideas about what to blog about. People on the platforms usually talk about something that is currently popular and that means it will attract many readers.

What’s more, you can even get a link to a source that may have already discussed the issue from social media. And sometimes, opinions from people on the internet could also be useful if they make sense.

6. Research Quora

Quora users often ask something that many people are curious about. That is an opportunity to give your solutions on your blog posts.

The chances are, questions on Quora are also keywords that people type in search engines. So once you rank high enough, many visitors will go to your site to find the information.

How to Start a Blog For Free?

Don’t wait any longer to create your blog after you discover what you want to talk about. But how?

With 000webhost, you can create a blog for free in just a few simple steps.

1. Go to 000webhost and click Free Sign Up.

Free Sign Up in 000webhost

2. Create your account and verify it in your email. On the dashboard, choose Build Website.

Build Website with 000webhost

3. Set up your blog name and password. Then, click Create.

New site set up

4. On your newly-created site, pick Build WordPress Website. We recommend you to use this platform because it’s easy to manage and has many tools as well as themes that will make your blog better.

Build WordPress Website Option

5. Fill out the WordPress installation form. Click Install.

WordPress installation form

6. After it’s finished, you can go to the configuration page and sign in with your WordPress password.

Creating a blog is only the beginning. Next, you have to pick up a theme, plugins and most importantly, create the content. Luckily, our blog has a lot of information that will help you improve your site.


After reading our article, we hope you can decide what to blog about. Starting out can be the hardest part but as you go, you’ll find many benefits from making your own site.

Also, don’t forget to follow the steps to make your blog for free. It’s the big first move in realizing your goal.

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