Website development is a highly useful skill to have. Luckily, with the sheer amount of information about web development, it’s never been easier to learn. In this article, we will provide you with the best recourses to learn website development.

Why Learn Website Development

Having a website for a business, or even for a hobby, is a great idea. You can increase your brand’s awareness, make money or meet like-minded people. Therefore, the demand for website developers has never been higher.

Having the skills of website development makes you a desirable candidate for almost any company in any industry.

In other words, you’re one step ahead than the rest by having this skill.

One thing to keep in mind, that website development is useful even if you’re not aiming to be a website creator.

Knowing how to develop and manage websites is a great skill for small business owners. It eliminates the need for outsourcing and allows you to take care of the task yourself.

Bloggers can also use this ability to reach more audience. Website development will help you to have the ultimate control of your blog and even sell your services.

Best Websites to Learn Website Development

If you’re on a quest of learning website development, let’s look through some of the best resources to learn!

1. BitDegree

Website development courses on BitDegree

As far as online courses go, BitDegree is one of the best platforms on the internet. It has a ton of quality lessons, including website development.

BitDegree has masterclasses where professionals of a certain field will share not only materials but also tips from their work experiences.

The prices are very competitive, as they are only $10 on average. There are even free courses that you can take if you just plan to learn the basics first.

New users don’t have to worry about choosing the wrong course since BitDegree uses a voting system to determine which course is the best on a year.

At last, when a student completes a course, the issued certificate will ultimately vouch for their skill.

2. Udemy

Udemy banner

Overall, Udemy has over 100 000 courses, so no surprise that website development is a widely covered topic.

Web design, content management, SEO and various coding languages are well explained in many in-depth courses.

Udemy classes have different prices. Most of them vary from $20 to $200. You get a permanent license after purchasing, so you can access the lessons any time.

What is great that if you’re not happy with the course, you can get a full refund.

But to avoid any disappointment, you should always check the course description and ratings to make sure you’re making the right purchase.

You can access Udemy via smartphone on iOS and Android which enables you to learn on the go.

3. Codeacademy

Codecademy courses on web development

Codeacademy is a great source of coding courses. No surprise, that this is an amazing place to learn website development.

You won’t be confused by the materials as it uses a structured curriculum to suit your level.

Also, once you sign up for the service, you’ll be directed to answer a few questions to help determine which courses are the best for your skill set.

The website requires you to pay for Pro Membership to access all of its courses. The monthly subscription cost $19.99, while bi-annual and annual packages are priced at $17.99 and $15.99 per month respectively.

4. Hostinger Tutorials

Free materials on Hostinger

Aside from offering cheap web hosting services, Hostinger also has many tutorials that can be accessed for free. Users will easily find various information regarding website development.

Aside from learning web programming languages like Javascript and CSS, there are also comparisons about the best WordPress plugins, themes, and various apps.

With the mission to unlock the power of the internet for everyone, Hostinger aims to educate as many people as possible about the world wide web. That’s why all articles are easy to understand with clear step-by-step instructions.

5. Edx website

Edx is a respectable educational website that cooperates with many well-known institutions. For example, it works with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to grant you a certificate of completion once you finish a course or a program.

The lecturers are trusted professionals, from companies such as Microsoft and Intel.

Edx categorizes the courses into two types: Audit (free) and Verified (paid). The premium version ($50-$300) provides graded assignments, unlimited access, and licenses. Meanwhile, the free pack only includes the option to get a certificate for $99.

The other option, Program, is the most expensive one. The price can surpass $1000, but the courses are an equivalent of getting a university education.

To top it all off, all the course and program can be downloaded with the Edx mobile app, so you can learn anywhere you go.

6. Devmountain

Devmountain After-Hours Course

Devmountain offers various courses, that have a fixed schedule. However, depending on the program you choose, the hours can be flexible.

There are two programs to pick from. The first one is Immersive, where students attend a 13-week boot camp to learn about web development or any other subject. The class is already pre-scheduled, and it costs $11 900.

The second one is After-Hours which can be accessed online. This program is aimed at those who have a tighter schedule and only takes place three times a week. It will cost $10 900.

The price tag might seem a little steep. However, the programs offer various advantages such as job negotiation training, a counselor and various career-oriented skill-building workshops.

What is more, students get housing in various locations, depending on where the course of your choice will take place.

Devmountain’s certificate is the equivalent of getting a university degree and opens up job possibilities from big companies. Many of its graduates work at Microsoft, Uber, Linkedin and many more.

7. W3Schools

W3Schools free courses

The website is intended for people who want to learn on their own, without having to pay for anything.

As for website development, it gives enough material that covers everything from the basic to the most advanced skills.

In W3Schools, there is a “sandbox” for testing out your codes in real time. Various exercises are also available so you can assess how advanced your abilities are.

Even though it’s free, it still gives you free website templates to implement your newly-found website innovation.

At the W3S, once finished with a specific course, a certificate can be issued for $95.

8. Coursera

Degree and Courses on Coursera

Coursera partners with big universities and organizations and has top-notch courses. They collaborate with campuses such as the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, and other famous institutions.

On Coursera, website development is one of the featured programs and is approved by Ivy-league universities. You’ll get access to engaging classes as well as career-oriented material.

However, you still have to register during a specific period and follow a fixed schedule.

We know enrolling in Coursera can be costly ($10000+) but you’ll have amazing offers. For the price, you’ll get full online access to the program that will grant a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from a high ranked university.


It is possible to learn website development on the internet nowadays. There are plenty of options that provide great online courses. Although the paid service often offers more in-depth information, there are still free courses for you.

We chose three platforms as our editor’s choice. If you like learning from written material, Hostinger tutorials might be a perfect choice for you. Codeacademy is dedicated for coding lessons, so you can’t go wrong with their courses. Devmountain is perfect for those who want to get in-depth information and a university level knowledge.


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