Social Login Users

Profile was successfully unlinked from Social Login. Password reset link was sent to your email

Estou com dificuldade para acessar meu loguin, meu site é o

thank you for helping

Next time post your 000webhostAPP URL or your email for faster communication.

The URL you posted is not connected correctly with any hosting account.

Profile was successfully unlinked from Social Login. Password reset link was sent to your email hericadiasoliver

A post was split to a new topic: Chinthai question

2 posts were split to a new topic: MyDABD password reset

A post was split to a new topic: Uzairkhan questions

Same issue…please resolve it

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Profile was successfully unlinked from Social Login. Password reset link was sent to your email


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Profile was successfully unlinked from Social Login. Password reset link was sent to your email

My website also affected with this problem.
Website link
Please help

Please unlink it as soon as possible

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Profile was successfully unlinked from Social Login. Password reset link was sent to your email

Profile was successfully unlinked from Social Login. Password reset link was sent to your email

Profile was successfully unlinked from Social Login. Password reset link was sent to your email

Use this thread you are reading right now to post your URL or email don’t open repeat threads! problemas para iniciar sesion

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As this thread/topic quite clearly states for users affected by SOCIAL LOGIN ISSUES.

I’ve gone ahead and disconnected the social link for your account.

Profile was successfully unlinked from Social Login. Password reset link was sent to your email

(This thread has NOTHING to do with database or FTP disconnections, if there are nodes experiencing issues there is NOTHING TO DO APART FROM WAIT IT OUT)

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As this thread/topic quite clearly states for users affected by SOCIAL LOGIN ISSUES.

I’ve gone ahead and disconnected the social link for your account.

Profile was successfully unlinked from Social Login. Password reset link was sent to your email

(This thread has NOTHING to do with database or FTP disconnections, if there are nodes experiencing issues there is NOTHING TO DO APART FROM WAIT IT OUT)

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I rest my password, but every time I try to access my website via “Upload Own Website”, this page occurs. I’ve tried every combination of username/web page name and password combination to no avail. Am I doing something wrong?