How to delete FileZilla and download it again?

I have a problem with FileZilla. I am beginner with this all and I don’t know what I have been doing with FileZilla, probably deleting wrong files that I wasn’t supposed to delete. How can I delete FileZilla so that when I download it again, it would be like new, without any information from last download? I tried to delete it but it doesn’t worked like I planned.

Thanks you so much!

Just uninstall it like any software from your computer

I have uninstalled it but when I download it again I see all the pages I have created with FileZilla. It doesn’t show like it was “new” download, it just continues where I left it before I deleted it.

You mean your website files on the server or?
Screenshot what you mean :wink:

Thanks for you reply, I need some information for FTP connection. It shows that I need to write down host. Is host my website name or my host name? Because they are different ones. I can see from my website settings both of these names, website name and host name, but which one is correct? Thank you!

Hostname is

Thanks! I got through that!
Now I need to transfer my files to so-called “root” folder. Is root folder that folder which has no name, just / sign?
Thank you!

You want to upload into public_html

index.html inside public_html is the first file served to visitors.

My teacher has written in his instructions that I should download my files to the root, not to the subfolder.
After that I need to put my “under construction” index.html file to that public_html folder.
I think this is just practice, the idea is just put something in the public_html folder, later I will download my webpage.
So is this root folder called just / sign?

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“The root directory of your website is the content that loads when visitors access your domain name in a Web browser. The most obvious consequence of this is that you need to put your “index file” in your website’s root directory for visitors to see your site at all.”

So whatever you think, I recommend putting all files inside public_html as files outside this folder will not be able to be used.

That makes sense, I will put my files inside public_html folder.
Thank you so much! It is much easier now to continue building my page :slight_smile:

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