How to unzip files using unzipper

How to unzip files using unzipper?

What you’ll need:-
Download link :

Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following:

Active 000webhost hosting account

1)Login to your 000webhost control panel. You can do this by visiting

2)Fill in your 000webhost details and login to your account.

3)Click On “Upload Files”.

4)Then click on “Upload Files now”

5)After clicking on “Upload Files now”…you wll be redirected to “000webhost File Manager”.

6)Click and Open “public_html”.

7)Now upload unzipper files.

8)Also upload the zip file whch you want to extract.

9)Once uploded.It should look like this.

10)After uploading all the files…you just need to visit

11)Now Select the zip and click “Unzip Archive”.

Ola, You have Done it!!!

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