Email Forwarder not working with my domain anymore

Hello all, i am stuck with my email forwarding not working. it stopped working a week ago, i have tried reading through all post and tried everything from:
-Deleted and Re-added NS Record on my Domain Providers control panel.
-Reset my account here at 000webhost.
-Deleted and re-add email forwards.
-tried creating a MX Records on on domain providers control panel, still no go.

My Domain is hosted with CrazyDomains. this has worked in the past and has just stopped working.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I use this platform for learning and would be great to solve this issue. i am forwarding to a Gmail account.

thanks all.

Try using ImprovMX see tutorials section

Thanks mate! all this time i was updating MX Records on my domain provider control panel. Thanks to your tutorial i now know it needs to be altered here.

Just to confirm, on my domain providers side i should only have NS1 and NS2 records added and nothing else like MX Records etc right?

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Yes, though we recommend using CloudFlare for SSL as:

  1. You’ll get a free SSL certificate
  2. Your website will load faster
  3. You’ll consume less bandwith
  4. You remain in full control of your DNS zone

:information_source: Here’s the tutorial