Your Thoughts Please?

Thoughts on My Web Design Portfolio please :slight_smile:


There is nothing like a thought I can give. Your site is showing a Black page just like you can see below

Did you click the squares? :wink:

Nope that’s just the preloader it Should just load up unless 000web was being slow at the time?

loads not long either 2-3 seconds hmmm maybe I ask what browser and version you are using?

It works with IE 9+
Nearly all versions of chrome and firefox, and works with safari and tablets and mobiles been tested, have to have Javascript enabled though! :smiley:

when the preloader is gone 2-3 secs you would get the animations etc etc :

Image is low res xD the sites better quality.
Regards Gray RAV3N!

It is really slow and I don’t like that design.Anyway, do you made it?

Wow, I keep seeing more and more astounding sites by the day! Amazing site!

Its my taste and yes

Glad you liked!

Hi, hi. Personally it’s just not my cup-of-tea. But most of my work is all corporate and it might have tainted my creativity. I think the designs that you showcase have more potential than your main site design.

There are few things I’ve noticed:

  • The main site, you need to relocate that center content div. The waves are blocking text and it effects readability.

  • A few sites in your showcase have some small text continuity issues. The menus have nicely styled text (font, colors, misc. treatment), but the body text is plain Time-new Roman. It might just a CSS mistype.

Completely separate, are they modified templates or they all original designs?

Thanks for your reply the divs and stuff I’m still working on with their responsiveness on different screen sizes, especially for the tablet and mobile versions of my folio, And yes Not everyone’s cup of tea but I’m just showcasing mostly my animation ability on that site and portfolio’s aren’t usually a standard corporate looking design, but Ihope to give users the option of changing the theme some time soon.

and yes they are all original designs.

Having um’ed and ah’ed about where to visit the Great Wall, we settled on Jinshanling and were not disappointed. Our motto throughout our trip through China was to “avoid tourists” and this section of the Great Wall certainly provided that opportunity to us. We hiked as far as we could and for long sections got photos of the wall with nobody else around us.
We are reasonably fit travellers and found the hike to be very manageable. We were told that this section is “extremely strenuous to the point of being restrictive” which is probably only true if you like to eat your turkey legs while breathing through an oxygen mask. It’s no walk in the park but should be manageable for the most people. The wall is not reconstructed so there are parts which are pretty rugged, so take comfortable walking shoes with good grip. Doing it in the rain could also be harrowing as the stones could get slippery so check the weather the day before you go.
There are local ladies who try and follow you around as “tour guides” and then try to hustle money out of you for t-shirts and other memorabilia at the end. I would recommend to tell them “no souvenirs” firmly at the start and then to just ignore them and they should get the picture and move on to more likely prey. There is a cable car running at the moment (don’t take it) so I guess there is a risk that this section will get more and more local tourists in the future. Hopefully its distance from the city should stop that from happening.We booked a “tour” through our hostel which was a bit of a rip-off. The charged about 270 kwai per person which was for the ride there, breakfast, lunch and a “guide”. The guide didn’t do any guiding at all, breakfast was a McMuffin and a coffee and lunch was a Chinese buffet. And we still had to pay 65 kwai for entry to the wall. I can’t remember the name of the company but it was something like “Compass Tours”, if your hostel offers tours with them I would look elsewhere. You don’t need a guide and can take a backpack with nicer food on your own so our recommendation would be to find a tour that will simply take you to Jinshanling, let you hike the wall for a few hours, wait for you and take you back to Beijing.
Jinshanling Great Wall is a real good place for you .when you are in Beijing and want to have a meanful holiday,No matter plan a Great Wall Hiking or Jinshanling Great Wall tour ! Great Wall of china tours choose Jinshanling !


We found that generally there are not many signs to assist foreign tourists and this site proved to be the same. Once again because we went during the Chinese holiday week it was extremely crowded which meant that it was not possible to really take in the surroundings. It is very popular with Chinese tourists so as a result it gets very busy. It is well worth the visit.
You could visit dozens of times and always find something new - it’s so big. If traveling by taxi, insist that you get dropped off near the south end of the complex (north end of Tiananmen Square) - you cannot enter by the north gate and drivers know this and try to get extra money, sometimes. Just be aware that vehicles cannot stop on Tiananmen Square so you will have a short walk.
You enter the Palace Museum (formerly the Forbidden City) coming from Tiananmen Square. You pass through the gate with the Mao photo. Once inside, you won’t believe how large this area is. You will be approached by many tour “guides” proclaiming their services as the best. I avoided this by already having my tour guide for the day with me. That immediately keeps them off your back. Let it be known that there is an awful lot of walking to be done inside this complex. Be prepared. You must have an audio guide, tour book, tour guide, or something in order to understand what all these wonders are. Otherwise you won’t know what you’re looking at.The history of the emperors reads like a soap opera. Only after learning some of it, will you understand why certain statues and buildings were built the way they were. It’s really quite fascinating. You can’t come to Beijing without experiencing the grandeur that is the Palace Museum.
Now Beijing Forbidden City is one of local people’s favorite attractions. Many People Arrange a Beijing forbidden city tour for their holiday! And other want to have a forbidden city tour with their friends! The beauty of the forbidden city beijing attractions is The perfect place for you to take your holiday!
