My site has been deleted

hello i would like to know why my site has been deleted, or why it does not appear on my site list.

my website address was this:

vendasjm2 seems to have been deleted after 7 days of a suspension it seems?

Websites that get suspended have 7 days to appeal before deletion.

I need access to recover the base and files

We don’t keep any backups on the free plan.
Users are ultimately responsible for taking regular backups.

I just need the base, if I won’t lose a total of seven thousand reais

We honestly do not keep backups :frowning:

part of the terms of service you agree to upon signup to under section 5 is you agree to keep backups and accept the risk and loss of your content by any means.

I liked your service, but I could have warned before deleting for me to recover all my work

It says an email was sent out to you on the date of suspension.

I didn’t lose my files you deleted, it’s different from losing

I didn’t receive any email

The system automatically deleted them after 7 days of a suspension as per policy.
You lost the files regardless if it was suspension deletion or a server crashed etc.
You the user needs to be responsible for regular backups.

Maybe check your spam or something then our system shows the email going out to the address registered 2019-09-20 19:27:20.

ok I will remove all my other systems from your servers, and I will not refer them to anyone else, my site was suspended and I don’t even know why, because I have a version of it running two years on your server without these problems.

That is fine - you may do that if you’d like?

But the correct process has been followed here, if you didn’t appeal within time or keep backups yourself - then you’ve only got yourself to blame of at least one of them.

Overloading web server or MySQL 

Was the abuse report shown.

  1. abuse report
  2. email sent out with reason giving 7 days to respond
  3. no response after 7 days means the system automatically deletes data
  4. system deleted the website data after 7 days.

If you had logged into our panel within the last 7-8 days and noticed the big “suspended notice” or checked your email / spam you would have noticed the suspension notice.

Users should regularly login to our panel to receive service updates and suspension information, if not then at the bare minimum take monthly backups.

ok but the site raged with running

yesterday I accessed the website and the server

Not sure how you missed it then, just make sure to keep regular backups in the future I guess.

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