How do i make my website secure again

hi, i’m very new here, i recently created my free website with 000webhost and a free domain from freenom, after following the guide and setting everything up with cloudflare, i got a partial ssl certificate. I was okay with that then after some searching, i discovered that the non www variant of my website was marked as not secured and the www version was fully secure then after a while, i installed the astra theme and then only the www version had the theme and the non www didn’t have the theme but after changing my wp address url and site address url website to the non www version, everything was fixed exept now everytime i try to get into my website, it shows

This server could not prove that it is ; its security certificate is from * . This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.

so what do i do

Post your cloudflare dns config here.

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You likely have not followed the tutorial correctly.

Try again or post your config for advice.

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