What to do with msg entered domain contains words that are blacklisted

i have configured all the things as per name server. park domain is ready too. but during linking the website showing Selected domain name contains words that are blacklisted. plz solve this problem.

You do not have to park it, but point it instead, follow the tutorial suggested by @sulliops

I had tried that too several time. I think m doing somthing wrong. above is screenshot.

Yeah, you should add another CNAME record
Yourdomain.tk that points to yourwebsite.000webhostapp.com

ok now i have created and registered new domain that is steamcarwash.ml and i am trying to point domain it showing "Hostname name contains words that are blacklisted. "

Wait let me check that

Try adding it now, if it continue daying blacklisted, try typing www.steamcarwash.tk

tried hundred of time but unable to save. is there any youtube tutorial link?

Iā€™ve reported your issue to the admins.

I think sometimes google blocks some words comboā€¦ If your website name is steamacarwash.tk so you can change words combo with some similar words. I think it wonā€™t block your domain again.

i have came through gsuit
all are ok. problem is with 000webhostapp only.

As long as itā€™s free domains, I recommend ou get another domain name. Steam keyword is blacklisted.

ok i am trying dnhcarcare.tk pls whitelist this name

Done, try adding it now :wink:

should i try park or point

I suggest you to park the domain :wink:

Use CNAME pointing if you want to link the domain with Cloudflare for SSL support:

i have parked " dnhcarcare.tk and now its Waiting for nameservers

Did you change your nameservers to
Note that DNS propagation can take up to 24 hours.

@dnhcarcare Issue solved, Your domain is loading fine now.

If still if it doesnā€™t loads, then clear your browser cache and data and then try again,
Else use incognito mode in chrome.

If you have any issues PM any Staff Member :slight_smile: