Website is no longer available.(solved)


I didn’t deleted my website… why today it’s mysteriously disappeared?? No i didn’t gave my password to anyone, it was a very strong random password with 20 characters, no one was able to log in to delete the website. I don’t have doubt about it, it’s Hostinger deleted my website.

I didn’t received any email about it, there is no information in 000webhost area member… my website is (was??) very normal with no special use and very low trafic… it was just a presentation of a professionnal banal project with 2-3 visitors per day… just few MB in FTP… and now it’s totally disappeared suddenly !

It’s scandalous !

I even didn’t have access to any recent backup !!!

I am very upset against hostinger !!!

if I knew that you delete websites for no reason, I’ll never come to your web hosting, it’s a huge waste of time, I have to redo everything !!!

If there is someone from hostiger team, can you contact me for explain me why my website was deleted and send me a backup or give me back website access during few minutes for do a recent backup??!!

I will lose at least 10-20 hours to write again my professional articles !!!

You’ve not provided a URL?

Don’t be upset at Hostinger this is free hosting by 000webhost.

I choosed this free web hosting coz it’s free yes… but too coz i thought it was reliable. If i knew they deleted website for no reason, I will have taken directly another reliable host, free or not.

I monitor uptime of this website, it’s down since more 11 hrs now :frowning: can you do something @Infinity ? you work for them? help me please if you can. even just have 5 minutes access website to copy/paste articles, i will be ok.

Based on that URL I can only retrieve this information.
There are no files available related to it.

|Was built|No|
|Had inodes|None|
|Signed up on|2018-09-10 08:58:27|
|App Deleted|2019-05-29 00:04:56|
Status before deletion: sleeping

Backups are at the entire responsibility of the user, free service doesn’t offer backups and doesn’t keep any at all.
The info I can view is suggesting your site had 0 inodes (no files) also the status before automatic deletion was sleeping.

what do you mean? there was a little website installed, a bug tracking system. and it was active before deletion, I still used it yesterday.

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I’ve asked a developer to look deeper into this all I can view is the info I’ve provided.

I just wrote new articles these 2-3 last days. a backup was planned sunday. website deleted was by surprise today for no reason. Need to do backup every hours for this webhosting? :expressionless:

Nope just after making changes back ups are recommended or do it on the staging locally then update changes live to server etc.
Developer is checking still.

well. thank you for try to help me with developper. I don’t get what happened but it’s worked yesterday it’s sure and it’s sure too i didn’t deleted website. can i have by email, the time and IP, for the alleged removal request, if it’s really exists? if not, do you know by which process website was deleted?

When was the last time you logged into your 000webhost panel?

When sites are in sleeping state they are deleted after #30 days so if your site was suspended or exceeded the free plan limits a month ago then deletion would be likely.

If you logged into the panel prior to deletion it would likely have said something like TOS broken please email us and you wouldn’t have been able to proceed into the manage website part on while the front-end public part of your site would have looked fine.

The developer continues to investigate.

Developer investigation reveals that the site was deleted in line with sites sleeping for 1 month as normal, the cause of the suspension remains towards exceeding free limits would be most likely scenario. Logging into your often allows you to keep check on statistical data and information announcements from 000webhost.
There isn’t any data available for us to give you sadly I can only apologise.

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yes website sleeped 30 days ago for a very debatable reason (i used a script who has regulary uploaded information from a another of my website). but reactivated 29 days ago. so it was falling asleep during 24 hours. all good worked since 29 days!

actually when i log to my customer account, there are no website at all, my website list is empty.

so you mean my website is deleted today coz of a sleeping time during 24h one month ago? :frowning:

thx you for tried to help me but i stay angry, it’s not normal website is deleted like that. i will lose a lot time for think and write again articles i already wrote (lose for a website deleted without reason) :frowning:

at least when a website is deleted for any reason, there should be a system that compresses the content of the FTP / SQL into a ZIP, just before deleted, to propose to the user, free to download during a limited time (few days, one month…)

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Maybe you got hacked? Did you used any nulled theme or plugin?

no, thx for the try, it’s not hacker.

@Infinity answered me, it’s a 000webhost bug : website is deleted today coz of a sleeping time during 24h one month ago.

@Infinity said that your website has been suspended for reaching the free hosting limits.
Upon suspension, we dispatch an email to the user who reached the limits saying they got suspended.
If the user does not contact us to unsuspend his website, the website will be deleted after a month.
In your case, your website was suspended more than a month ago and you didn’t tell us about that, hence the system cleared it off.

For the sleeping time :

  • i didn’t received any email from or hostiger.

  • but in my side, i contacted you, check email from 29 avr. 2019 10:14 (FR time; so 04:14 am US time?) to; i sended you an email about it.

if you contact me by email or give me your email, i can transfer you this complet email with header.

Partial content of this email :


MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 10:14:18 +0200
Message-ID: <***>
Subject: website sleep
From: "
" <********>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=“000000000000f890e80587a6deb7”


Why my website sleep?

Reason indicate is “Violation of Terms of Service” but i don’t get it, it’s for a script i used yesterday? i stopped it anyway, please reactivate this website.


Hi the developer confirmed it was suspended due to breaching limits and the system automatically disables it and emails aren’t currently sent for that we just rely on users logging into the panel to see the message about emailing moderator at

I’m unsure if anyone manages the contact email address I’ll ask the developers if this email can be updated or merged with what we access, I think there is just an autoreply from it from past experience.

Yeah that inbox isn’t managed it just shoots back this reply to all emails

Reply from contact@000webhost

000webhost support is provided on community support forums. Search for more information regarding your issue. Create new topic explaining your concern when no similar topic was found in tutorials category. Thank you for using 000webhost services.

Check status page before submitting error report

Why your 2 last paragraphs look like an automatic message? Anyway I thank you for your answers, but i precise :

  • There was no reason to delete this website.
  • Even reason for the 24h suspension, one month ago, was very debatable.
  • I didn’t received any warning about my website will be deleted after 30 days if i don’t post a message in this forum after 24h suspension
  • I sended you an email one month ago, and there was nothing on the 000webhost dashboard to click, validate, select … no action to make. My website simply restarted after 24h, without any information or email.
  • User must be notified of the imminent deletion of the website.
  • User must have a FTP/SQL backup downloadable if website is delete for any reason.

There is obviously something wrong with your suspension / deletion process.

I waste a lot time with that story. Bye.

  1. reason to delete was that no appeal was given to suspension via correct methods
  2. system limiting your account 1 month prior / suspension was the main cause for deletion in the end
  3. the system will be changed to introduce an email message possibly in future, for now users must continue to keep an eye and login regularly to their panel for announcements and changes to services.
  4. the email you sent to contact@ is not read by a human, only an automated response is sent out from it
  5. User must keep a check on their website via 000webhost panel - we have no responsibility to contact users regarding deletion.
  6. User must keep backups at all times, once we suspend/delete it is final.
    Terms and conditions also suggest users keep backups and we have no responsibility to your data.

Anyhow lesson learned, always keep backups :slight_smile:

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