502 / Bad Gateway / Website frontend not loading / Website times out in browser etc

For those who think 000webhost is just a free version of Hostinger you are completely wrong that couldn’t be further from the truth.

This isn’t a sales post but it will likely come across as one - 000webhost is a free service it is a project created by a team that work at Hostinger, we provide free hosting to learners wanting to host their projects and learn coding etc, trying to host a long term / fulltime website on the free platform wouldn’t be advised - while people do use 000webhost for this - at the same time it could give them the false impression they are “having a test of Hostinger” etc - this again is not the case - 000webhost is a beta project and is always in development while Hostinger Premium Hosting Services is exactly that - premium, industry tested managed website hosting - ran by Hostinger a dedicated provider to various packages of hosting.
There is nothing similar between the two hosting platforms apart from they are cloud hosting platforms.

Free hosting, 300MB disk usage, 3000MB monthly usage, lots of limitations on database, unique daily visitors, requests and more. Basic website builder, WordPress installation or File Manager/FTP for uploading websites.
Unreliable email forwarding and cron jobs, option to park or point a custom domain and some little features like redirects and such.

Professional hosting, managed and support provided 24/7 via your panel.
A service you pay for - and expect to get exactly what you pay for.
Depending on package taken you get
Various amounts of disk usage
Unlimited monthly bandwidth
No limits like 000webhost - visitor limits or such things
SSH / Root access
Dedicated IP(s)
Access to hPanel - tons of features way more than 000webhost obviously
Dedicated email management, forwarding or webmail is available, automatic email responders, mail service control and catch-all emails or GSuite.
Park more domains to your hosting, add subdomains, use addon domains and create redirections easily.
Website monitoring software, access to the automatic script installation wizard - 100+ scripts at your hands, Access to the website builder, import your existing website, custom error pages available via the hPanel and website templates to download and use.
CloudFlare / real HTTPS/SSL certificate installation is available
DNS Zone Editor - FULL DNS Management, PHP Configuration - actual access to modify the PHP configuration unlike 000webhost which has a lot of features locked down for security and siabled. Premium cron job control, cache manager, GIT usage, SSL management.
MYSQL Databases - unlimited compared to 2 on 000webhost - no limits imposed - full phpMyAdmin, REMOTEMYSQL included. Password protect directories fast and easily, IP management panel, hotlink protection, folder index management tools, activity logs.
FTP account control - create additional FTP accounts to access your disk space to workmates etc.

I don’t expect anyone to actually trawl through that but in a TL;DR style (too long, didn’t read)

000webhost - free - limited - unreliable at times :frowning:
Hostinger - $40ish a year on offer - fully featured no limits - 99.9% uptime guarantee and money back and live support plus a ton of features and professionally managed servers

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I can’t see my website either

Is the file manager problem solved or not yet?

@Infinity I’m also having the same issue and getting a 502 error upon installing wordpress.

I believe the website list issue has been resolved but a 502 issue is affecting some users now.

I would advise deleting the website where possible and making a new 000webhostapp URL and hopefully the 502 issue is resolved.
If you would prefer not to delete the website, then try the RESET website option.
If you would prefer not to RESET then please try “Repair Website”
If the repair option does not resolve the issue then you may have to resort to the reset, if this does not work then resort to the deletion and creation of a new app URL.
Developers are still further investigating the root cause and there is no ETA of a resolution so deletion and a new app creation would be the current fastest way to resolve the problem.

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@Infinity is the file manager problem solved?

Hi, yes it worked for me. But I find that I can only work on the site for about 45 minutes before it stops responding. Then I have to wait.

I reset my site, reinstall WordPress from site, but the 502 error page remain, i cant enter config wp

There is some fix? Thanks

Since a week or so i have been trying to see my site and it just gets stucked in loading.
The website is pennyjuice1.000webhostapp.com

Hello for everyone, my website (https://mapaapp.000webhostapp.com/) is showing “502 Bad Gateway” for some days. What could I do to fix this?

Yes FTP is working correctly.

That sounds like something other than 502 possibly as if your account is affected in this bug then it seems a reset/deletion is the only cure. Maybe that is more related to Rate Limiting - WordPress Reset / Fresh Installed / Wiped Out / Rate Limited

If you have reset your website and still nothing loads then I would recommend deleting the site and making a new 000webhostapp URL that will be allocated to an unaffected server.

I would backup your files and then reset the website from general settings, if this cures the problem great!
If not then deleting the URL and making a new URL would resolve it as the new application will be hosted on a working server without this issue.

Definitely worth trying to change your PHP version to all the different ones until you find a working one.
If this doesn’t resolve the problem then backup your files, reset the website via general settings and try then.
Finally if neither of these options allow you access to the frontend of your website then deleting it and making a new application should as you’ll be hosted on a new server without the bad gateway issue present.

But I will loose the name? I have some board far to my home that link to my site name (for read the file in ftp folder automatically) and I cant change the name from here

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If you delete the website you will lose the free 000webhostapp URL yes, once deleted these cannot be reused.
Please do not get attached to your free URL as we may change the URL system at any time for example we are thinking of
websitename.000webhost.app in the future.

Alright, I’ve done this and have worked pretty well. Thank you!

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Glad to hear creating a new application resolved the problem for you, apologies again.

If anyone is having issues please try the follow options in that order

  1. Change PHP version via your website settings on our panel until you find one which works

  2. Use the REPAIR Website option

  3. Use the RESET Website option (backup files first!)

  4. Use the DELETE Website option (backup files again!)

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