Al cambiar la URL en wordpress las imágenes dejan de verse

Hola, espero esten bien.
Recientemente cambié el nombre de dominio de mi pagina que era con el dominio de freenom , subí mi plantilla de wordpress con all in one pluggin y todo perfecto, pero al cambiar la URL en el administrador de wordpress la mayoría de las imágenes dejaron de verse.
Por favor, indiquenme que debo hacer. Es la primera página que subo en 000webhost.



I tried your instructions and it didn’t work. thank you anyway.

Hi there. I just took a look at your site and I seem to have found your issue. While taking a look at the browser console, I see that your page images are being blocked due to mixed content. Your site is loading over https, but your images are still loading over http, which browser’s deem to be insecure, which is why they aren’t appearing on your site. Make sure to check your WordPress dashboard again, because it seems like you have your site URL set as http and changing it to https will resolve your issue.

Please try this out and let me know how it goes.

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