Wordpress dashboard unstable - Please help

Hello all,

My site url is https://focusedpharmanews.000webhostapp.com/

I am developing this site using wordpress. Everything was working fine until last 2 days. Now my WP dashboard has become unstable.

When I access the dashboard using the url (https://focusedpharmanews.000webhostapp.com/wp-admin) 1st time daily, i am able to access and work on it.

Posf saving the changes when I refresh the page or go back to the dashboard i m redirected to this url (https://focusedpharmanews.000webhostapp.com/wp-admin/install.php) even though my WP is installed and running and also the changes are getting saved when i login next day morning.

The same cycle keeps on repeating and I am unable to work. Please help asap

I did a fresh install using the 000 webhost one click WP installer but the issue still remains.

Please help ASAP

1 Like
  1. do not reinstall if the page appears
  2. read this
  1. upgrade if required or use alternative hosting

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