Email activity more than its use

My statistics is showing the email system has sent 26 mails but I sent only 3. The problem seems to be related to spamming. Someone is sending with my credential to my forwarding email. How can I avoid this? How is this happening?

Not using / relying on the forwarding?

Sorry, I do not get it. Could you explain at length?

Do you currently have email forwarding set up in your account?

Yes I do. I want to know if I can set permission of who can send email from my account.

Explain a little bit more so I can assist.

I am getting spam coming from my email account set in this web host. It has all the signature of emails generated by the contact area in my web site.

Put a captcha on the email form?

They are not using the form. The form has the checks for not allowing robots. They are coming from outside the form and I want to know, how they are doing it. Maybe they stole my credentials or are impersonating my email address. I don’t know if they are sending it from the 000 host or another one. Ideas in how check to check that.

No they can’t do that :confused:
If you are being targeted anyone can spoof anything i.e.

Then again you’ve not given us much to go on, screenshots, email headers?

Why you said “they can’t do that”?

You said “they are not using the form”
I say “they can’t do that”

They can’t just steal credentials.

Post the email headers/screenshots…

Somehow the headers are not complete. Anyhow, I was worry because the host statistics was showing I was consuming my mailing allotted. Now is showing nothing, so I am controlling it by blocking the spam. thank you for your time.