How to fix hostinger refused to connect

Your URL being? :dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face:

Sir This Is my website link Please resolve

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Fixed for you :slight_smile:

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Showing you’ve deleted that site.

Hi Infinity!. I’m back again. I’ll appreciate it so much if you could help me solving the same topic as written above by the colleges.
The banner appears when I get in WP dashboard.
Thank you so much. @alexuy

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Should be resolved now

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Should be resolved now

You know something? I think I made a mistake.
I couldn’t get in and I’ve just rebuild the WP installation again.
(Doesn’t matter because I have a backup)
The thing is that after installation, the system lets me in only one time.
The next time I log-in, the WP dashboard doesn’t appear.
I’m stuck.

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Your WordPress login page loads fine.
If you forgotten your login details try the script

OK. Let me try it.
It seems like I have to use it carefully.

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I mean partially.
The script run perfectly.Thanks a lot.

There is still a remaining problem. It looks like the site address is not pointing to the WP site.
I can set up the whole site within WP dashboard, but when I go to “view the site”, it shows another page.

Should I open another thread?

Hostingercom refused to connect. Can you fix this issue please. I will be thankful to you. That’s URL:
Thanks again.

I will be thankful to you @Infinity .

I’m facing the issue of hostingercom refused to connect and banner is appearing. I will be thankful to you @Infinity if you fix this.

Hello, I am facing the same issue. My site address is

Could you help?

Thank You,

Hello there,
i am facing the same problem…my site url address is :

Solution ??? Waiting !!!
please solve my problem

I’m receiving this error in footer of my website. “ refused to connect”
How I can remove this error and move forward to update website