Use SSL/HTTPS on 000webhost subdomain?

I have a small site (one webpage really) on 000webhost with a free subdomain here: (links to following from older account)

However I would like to use https to access my webpage and not have my webpage penaltied for not having ssl support.

According to this tutorial How To Use Cloudflare For SSL ssl is already supposed to be supported for subdomains of 000webhost else one can use cloudflare to partially support SSL. I tried both options and nothing worked!

  1. First I accessed my site using https but browser displays SSL Not setup warning.
  2. I also tried to create cloudflare site (per the tutorial) but I cannot do for subdomain, it needs the main domain (in my case

What can I do to enable SSL for my site/subdomain above?

Thank you,
Nikos M.

Hi you can’t have SSL/HTTPS with your free discontinued subdomain.

The tutorial is supporting free domains you can get from or paid domains from a registrar.

What do you mean “discontinoued subdomain”? My subdomain is not discontinued it is a normal free subdomain. Do I need to change it (eg use in order to have free ssl support. In other article it is mentioned that subdomains already have ssl support, why doesnt mine?

If I need to change something or even change subdomain please let me know.

Your subdomain is discontinued, no longer can users signup with any of the old list of subdomains.
We only provide 000webhostapp now.
It is likely your subdomain will be removed at some point in the future.

You can use 000webhostapp to get HTTPS by default.
Or use a freeium or premium domain with CloudFlare to get HTTPS :slight_smile:

Ok unlinked my old domain and kept the domain. Now I have HTTPS support. Thank you.

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