Migration Discussions

But then this is a bad service, is not my fall the problem happened, then when they say “Leaders of free web host” is not really truth, because when they have a problem with the service that they doing, they not resolve the problems. Bad, bad ,bad. I don´t have a very deep knowledge about migrate webpage, and now I “must” to do the migration of my web site due to a problem that is not my fall. Bad, Bad, Bad

@DanielRibeiro [quote=“DanielRibeiro, post:355, topic:56245”]

Your website loads fine with or without “www”

Its DNS propagation issue.
Use google dns.

Clear your browser cache and data and then try again.
also check using other browsers.
Else possible restart your PC and then check again.

@TeaLand Your website loads fine with or without “www”

Its DNS propagation issue.
Use google dns.

Clear your browser cache and data and then try again.
also check using other browsers.
Else possible restart your PC and then check again.

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@jacksonramirez Migration to new panel is necessary because old panel is being shut down.

If you have any issue you can post here or PM me, we’ll try to solve your issue.

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I have migrated to new panel and added mine own domain that is pointing to 000webhost name server. but still while open my site (www.keshavgyawali.com.np) I get the message like

"Since May 1, 2017 your website should be switched to new members area.
If you still need your website follow instructions below.

No worries, we’ll help you with the migration process so that you could enjoy your website again!
All you need to do is follow these simple instructions:

Log in to old members area
Backup all your files via FTP
Backup your databases via phpMyAdmin
Backup email by pushing your emails to Gmail
Create account in new members area and setup your website from backup
Still confused? Read migration tutorials in forum
Looking for Web Hosting? Check this out!"…

Please help me out figuring it right.

Thanks in advance

@keshavgyawali Your website loads fine.

DNS Propagation issue.
Use google dns.

Clear your browser cache and data and then try again.
also check using other browsers.
Else possible restart your PC and then check again.

I have migrated to new panel, but my email can’t verified. Resend confirmation, Verification Email is not getting received.
thanks for the help!

I have the site across to the new cPanel. On loading the site it currently comes up with the error :-

You see this page because your website doesn’t have “index.php” or “index.html” file in public_html folder.
Create index file
Below you can see your current files in public_html folder.

Despite index.php being in place correctly.

The other, probably greater issue, being that the exported SQL won’t import correctly.

Many Thanks!
The next problem is: :slight_smile:
I uploaded the backup.php file to the /public_html but when I lunch to the link I can see this (I deleted the cookies and the antecedent of the browser.):

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I have two issues:

  1. My mailbox has been littered with notifications about EVERY SINGLE POST in this thread.
    I clicked “unsubscribe” in the e-mail I got, TWICE, and it doesn’t seem to work: it ignores my commands.
    The notifications are still comming (and spamming my mailbox).

  2. The FTP server is still not working under Konqueror (it doesn’t display the file listings).
    Inb4: No, restarting the PC, the Internet connection, the file manager, my brain, or
    simply “waiting longer”, or any other bright advice from “The IT Crowd” you suggested last time
    doesn’t fix it. Your FTP server is broken and that’s why.
    Moreover, now it stopped working in other FTP clients, including the command-line one.
    Just after trying to connect and authenticate it displays the error:
    220 ProFTPD Server (000webhost.com) [::ffff:]
    USER sasq
    500 USER: Operation not permitted

I’ve migrated my site (created in the old website designer) but now it doesn’t display correctly. See here: http://selfcateringharris.000webhostapp.com/

Any ideas?

OK here’s a comparison of a conversation with another FTP server which works, with the conversation with your FTP server which doesn’t; captured with Wireshark. The working one:

220 FTP Server
USER sasq
331 Password required for sasq
PASS ---hiden---
230 User sasq logged in
215 UNIX Type: L8
257 "/" is the current directory
cwd /domains/mistu.info/public_html/
250 CWD command successful
200 Type set to I
227 Entering Passive Mode (88,198,23,35,136,221).
list -la
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list
226 Transfer complete
cwd /domains/mistu.info/public_html/nauka/
250 CWD command successful
227 Entering Passive Mode (88,198,23,35,138,113).
list -la
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list
226 Transfer complete

And here’s the one with your server, which doesn’t work:

220 ProFTPD Server (000webhost.com) [::ffff:]
USER sasq
331 User sasq OK. Password required
PASS ---hidden---
230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
215 UNIX Type: L8
257 "/" is your current location
cwd /public_html/Stuff/Skany
250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/Stuff/Skany
200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
227 Entering Passive Mode (145,14,144,74,126,222).
list -la
150 Connecting to port 35306

and it hangs at this point. I think it might be trying to open data connection on some wacky port which is blocked somewhere along the way, and my FTP client cannot connect to it to get the directory listing.
The line:

227 Entering Passive Mode (145,14,144,74,126,222).

looks suspicious to me, because it suggests connecting to a different port (126*256 + 222 = 32478) than the one which appears in this line:

150 Connecting to port 35306

so this might be the culprit. The correct behaviour of the server in passive mode should be to listen to connections on the IP and port it specified in response to PASV ( : 32478). But instead it seems to try calling me to port 35306 and hangs, since I’m not listening on that port (it’s blocked on the firewall and why shouldn’t it? :q ).

Also when I try connecting to, it accepts the connection but immediately resets it without sending any data ( [SYN]> [SYN,ACK]< [ACK]> [RST,ACK]< ).

So fix your passive mode and it will work.


I don’t use FileZilla. I’m not even on Windows.
And I already said that at least three times. You even asked me about that.
I’m using Gentoo Linux, my FTP client is Konqueror or Dolphin in KDE (K Desktop Environment), both log in correctly but not show any file listing because your FTP server cannot do passive mode properly.
Also I gave you the full diagnosis with connection logs on a silver friggin plate.
I feel like if I was playing in “The IT Crowd” right now -_-

Also how am I supposed to answer your question if your crappy forum doesn’t allow me to post more than 3 posts? -___-’

What is the domain name @sankar you are unable to register?

Have you deleted your old site, old profile, used the same email for new panel as the old panel and make sure the domain contains no blacklisted words?

At the start of the new panel it prompts you to make a username and password which you will use for FTP this username has no bearing on your website apart from xxx.000webhostapp.com which you won’t be using if you have your old subdomain to park or a premium domain.

Hit set web address and add free subdomain if you used one before like grog.site99.net etc from 000webhost.com
Else park your domain from a registrar like grog.com.


@Astroman1 if you have reached migration date - May 1st then you CANNOT USE YOUR WEBSITE IN THE BROWSER AT ALL. This means backup.php will not load in your browser either.

You need to manually download your files via FTP client like FileZilla, download the entire public_html folder.


Is your issue resolved?

@Air3s hit the tutorials section up and use the tutorial for faster DNS resolution, it means you’ll use Google DNS and then flush your computer cache out, then your browser cache.
Your site will then load because I use Google DNS and your site loads.

Your ISP will have their DNS servers updated eventually and your site loads on theirs in the end but you can continue to use Google DNS, much faster.

20 posts were merged into an existing topic: Migration Discussions

20 posts were merged into an existing topic: Migration Discussions

Hello there!

I have a problem with the migration. Everything seems fine until I used a Login feature of my webpage, the server returns HTTP ERROR 500, The files are the same, before the migration it was all working.