Kate cloudflare nameserver question

And why i can’t open site without www

On CloudFlare you only need TWO records to setup with 000webhost without email.

WWW is one record

@ is the second record

Both CNAME records

Both pointing to your 000webhostapp address.

yes, becouse i deleted server name of clouds in registrator after waiting 2 days

Can’t really go wrong if you follow the tutorial.

  1. Add domain to CloudFlare
  2. Use your registrar to set your domain to point to CloudFlare
  3. Ensure TWO CNAME records are in the DNS tab at CloudFlare with grey clouds
  4. Add to 000webhost via POINT option
  5. Once added turn the clouds orange
  6. update scripts installed to use custom domain / HTTPS

Step 6 Updating your WordPress URL from yoursite.000webhostapp.com to a custom domain via DATABASE

I can’t do it image

Delete AAAA and A

Then add your CNAME values

can you tell me about this? Where i need to do via POINT? In registrator?

If you purchased your domain via Hostinger then yes login to domain registrar being Hostinger and update your nameservers to the ones provided by CloudFlare

I did from 4 to 6, but i can’t open natalykion.com, just with www . And a don’t see https in chrome?
“DNS is not instant it can take up to 48 hours for your custom domain to being using SSL/HTTPS with CloudFlare :slight_smile:

I need to wait?

Plus in cloudflare i see this image and now i can’t open my site in chrome

Go to 000webhost.com and add your domain

Ensure the clouds are GREY on CloudFlare else you’ll get

Once you’ve added your domain to 000webhost successfully THEN you can change the clouds on CloudFlare to ORANGE to allow HTTPS/SSL

I too get these errors on my own personal account I think CloudFlare is having some issues.

You still need to setup your end correct though.

I did thatimage , and change color of clouds, but nothing to change.

Now flush / clear your browser data